Dr. Sandy Wahyudi (DSW)
Pakar & Praktisi Marketing dan Inovasi
President Director SLC MARKETING, INC.
Founder of
Product-level Decisions
Di Tahun 2020, Produk / Layanan apa yang harus :
- Dieliminasi
- Dikembangkan
- Dipromosikan
- Dibiarkan
Portfolio-level Decisions
Di Tahun 2020, Bisnis Pendukung apa yang harus :
- Dibuat sendiri
- Dikerjasama-kan
- Disubkon-kan
- Dihentikan / dijual
Go-to-Market Decisions
Di Tahun 2020, Strategi Pemasaran apa yang harus :
- Meniru pesaing
- Bikin ide baru
- Lanjutkan yang sudah ada
- Dihentikan sementara
Focus of Innovation Effort For the Last 10 Years
Calculated Rate of Return on the different innovation types
#1 Problems of partial views of innovation
If Innovation is only seen as …
Strong R&D Capability
The Result can be …
Technology which fails to meet user needs and may not be accepted
#2 Problems of partial views of innovation
If Innovation is only seen as …
The province of specialists
The Result can be …
Lack of involvement by others, and a lack of key knowledge and experience input from other perspectives in the R&D
#3 Problems of partial views of innovation
If Innovation is only seen as …
Understanding and meeting customer needs
The Result can be …
Lack of technical progression, leading to inability to gain competitive edge
The competition of today
is between business models,
not just products or solutions.
Competition between business models
Diffusion and Adoption of Innovations
#1 Relative advantage
is the degree to which an innovation is perceived to be better than the product it supersedes, or competing products
#2 Compatibility
is the degree to which an innovation is perceived to be consistent with the existing values, experience and needs of potential adopters
#3 Complexity
is the degree to which an innovation is perceived to be difficult to understand or use